Upazila background
Naming: Meghna is a newly formed upazila. This upazila consists of 06 unions. In late 1996, Meghna was declared an upazila. Earlier, 04 unions of this upazila belonged to Daudkandi upazila and 04 unions belonged to Homna upazila. Since the largest Meghna river in the country is located on one side of this upazila. Therefore, it is proposed to name this river and the government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh named this upazila after Meghna.
Geographical situation: Meghna Upazila is bounded by two and a half thousand on the north, Sonargaon on the west, Gazaria and Daudkanid on the south, Homna and Titas upazilas on the east.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS